BouBou picking the lucky winner ... |
Apologies for keeping you lovely darlings waiting a little while longer for this week's post...it has been a rather unpredictable week! The good news is I have finally put all the participating names into my cloche hat and got BouBou to pick one! Yes...my clever little cat BouBou popped his head into the hat and pulled out a piece of paper, which I quickly took before he could run away with it. And the lucky winner of the GIVEAWAY is....(drum-roll)...
Deborah from Hellcat Vintage! Congratulations my darling from both myself and the lovely
Belinda Hay at the Painted Lady!
[To find out more about the vintage salon in Shoreditch; The Painted Lady, please click here:
OR my post about victory rolls at the Painted Lady:

The other little bit of good news is...that my photograph has been featured in the
'Hey Doll!' vintage magazine's reader section! If you love vintage then it is likely that you might have heard of this magazine already...but if not, then I can recommend it as a lovely digital collaboration between two bloggers who love vintage...Bunny from
Bunny's Victory and Brittany from
Va-Voom Vintage! Not only is this gem of a read absolutely loaded with interesting vintage how-to(s), pretty photographs and true vintage lifestyle experiences...it is actually free and can be read as long as you have internet access. So it truly is a labour of love by real women who want to share a passion with others. Having been a dedicated reader of the vintage magazine from the very first issue...I remember falling in love with the cover photograph of Audrey Hepburn, I was quite excited to find that Issue 3 would be all about the
1960s and heavily inspired by the sexy television series
'Mad Men'. As some of you darlings might know...I happen to have a little fondness of the
beehive and can be seen with my
eyeliner flick where make-up is involved. So I decided to send in one of my more decent looking beehive photograph...which you darlings might remember from afternoon tea with Judita. [To catch up on my afternoon tea in a beehive, please click here:
walkinginmay.com/london-hot-spots-afternoon-tea] It wasn't anything spectacular and I was certain that the magazine would have an influx of brilliant photographs that would probably move me to the bottom of the pile...but when I flipped towards the end of the magazine to see that very photograph, my face lit up and I started jumping around the room with a very puzzled BouBou staring at me! Without further ado, I present to you darlings the fabulous 60s inspired Issue 3 of 'Hey Doll!' Vintage Magazine...and please don't forget to take a peek at
page 59 where you might find a familiar face!
Link to Issue 3 of 'Hey Doll!' Vintage Magazine:
Last but not in the very least, a massive
THANK YOU goes to all you darling readers for your continued support and kind participation in the Giveaway...to Belinda for offering such a lovely prize...as well as Bunny and Brittany for allowing me to be in 'Hey Doll!' magazine's readers corner. Congratulations to Deborah again and I shall be in contact very soon! Also a big welcome to the new followers of 'Walking In May'...here's wishing all you lovely darlings a fabulous weekend!
Until the next time,
♥May xx
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Giveaway Prize: The SIGNED copy of 'Style Me Vintage' by Belinda Hay! |